The lymphatic system is a separate circulation system in the body that moves fluid, called lymph. It is responsible for collecting and eliminating toxins from the body. The lymphatic vessels lie just below the skin, so unlike traditional massage, lymphatic drainage massage uses very light pressure. This specialized, gentle massage decreases swelling and increases the flow and absorption of lymph fluid. Lymphatic massage is a medically-recognized modality that can assist in rebalancing hormones, redistributing white blood cells, and regulating the pressure in tissues. It is helpful post surgery or injury, to decrease bruising and swelling. It can also be beneficial for issues with edema, non-complex lymphedema, chronic digestive disorders, sleeplessness, and anxiety. This type of massage is not available for those with the following conditions: deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, acute infection, fever, rash, or sunburns. Please contact us to see if Manual Lymphatic Drainage is right for you.
60 Min $150 90 Min $190 120 Min $235